Animal Life Savers


Animal Life Savers has been finding homes for animals since the year 2000, we have dedicated our lives to this cause. Through the years we have rescued thousands of cats and dogs and worked hard placing them into loving homes.

Animal Life Savers is a 501(c)(3) grass roots, non-profit organization divided into two categories:

  1. Rescue, spay /neuter, and creating successful adoptions. A trap/neuter and return program for feral cats to help solve the over population problem.
  2. Educating children on animal related issues, teaching them compassion for all creatures.

Our goal is to find successful adoptions for all our rescued animals. When this is not possible they are placed on our Share-A-Pet program at Animal Life Savers.


Adoption Success Story

Karen Helmstetter and I were providing food and water to a feral cat colony across the street from the school where we teach, including three cute kittens. After one of the kittens disappeared, Karen and I decided that we should try to save the remaining two. My wife and I agreed to foster the kittens if ALS could catch them.

Karen and her sister, Elaine, were able to trap the two little girls (along with an adult cat from the colony). As soon as we brought our foster kittens to our home, we knew that there was little chance that we would be able to give them back. Even our grumpy teenage cat learned to tolerate them (eventually). We named them Pickles and Scampi.

-- Todd Bratt